Deckhands assist with tasks like cargo operations, berthing and mooring, boat and equipment maintenance, handling deck machinery and assisting with navigation.
The boat engineer is responsible for the mechanical systems on a boat.
Seagoing service is the period for which you have signed on board a ship as a seafarer.
Deck officers manage the deckhands when the boat is in port to ensure safe berthing and mooring, as well as the loading and unloading of cargo.
They’re also responsible for managing navigational watches and monitoring a vessel’s position with navigational technology, developing passage plans and much more.
Boat cooks run the boat’s galley and are in charge of ordering and budgeting for supplies. Some boats have stewards.
Stewards are responsible for helping with the chores or daily living and keeping everything in the living quarters clean and fresh. They help clean and maintain crew accommodations and will also assist the galley staff.