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The basic certification to become a professional seafarer

All seafarers must meet minimum standards of competence, age, medical fitness, and approved sea-going service.

These standards are set by each national administration, but as a minimum, they should reflect STCW standards and STCW Code.

The certificate of competency you are required to hold depend on your rank, responsibilities you are assigned on board, and the type of vessel you are serving on.

Seagoing service is the period for which you have signed on board a ship as a seafarer.

Seagoing services is used as the basis for the issuance of certificates of competency and certificates of proficiency.

Seafarers are required to record their seagoing service themselves. Discharge books are used to record the days the seafarers spend on a ship.

Seafarers must hold and refresh a STCW Basic Safety certificate. These courses can usually be completed within a week or two.

Keep reading

We will explain STCW and give some more information about the Basic Safety certificate.

Links coming soon